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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Marketing: it all started with 'Hot Wheels'!

My introduction to marketing started at the tender age of eight, when I was dreaming of a new toy for Christmas. I had my heart set on a 'Hot Wheels' set and for only one reason: the person doing the voice-over for the commercial made owning it sound... so advanced... so exciting! I'd become a sophisticated eight year old by owning it! And in a heart-beat I was hooked.

And that is why people buy anything.

It's how we feel about what the object in question will do for our lives. Our emotions dictate the purchase decision. Nothing else. This tiny peek behind the curtain of understanding at such a premature age caused me to be involved in marketing, in one form or another, for most of my life.

Fast forward many more years than I'd care to remember and we are in the internet age, responsible for selling all manner of goods and services online. Where do you start? Answer the problem that your prospects have: help them anticipate what owning the thing you sell will do for their lives and they will soon become your customers.

How do you get people to buy your products? What's the secret to attracting people to your web properties and joining your email lists? The majority of marketers struggle online and need help. In the coming weeks and months, I'll show you how to choose your market, what product(s) to decide on, how to communicate with that market and what to say in your sales copy to turn your prospects into customers. I've learned from some of the best minds in the industry and I want to help you, too.

Until next time.

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