After all, who doesn't love a free product? If something is really useful and it's free... I definitely want it!
And everytime someone feels the way I do and downloads your product, you've acquired a new subscriber. You can see the value of that subscriber is huge in 'down the line' sales potential.
So how does this work?
Create a give away book, email course or report. The attraction of a good, free product is enough for anyone interested to give you their name and email address in return for the product. So, let's say they join your
newsletter list. This can be gold: as long as you keep providing quality content to your list, you can insert paid product offers in your messages.
If your list likes your content, you will get orders from those offers.
And it gets better.
There are many more ways to earn income from the same giveaway product. If you produce an ebook, for example, make sure you include links to your sales pages and any related affiliate products you represent. When someone reads your book, they'll need resources to put the content to good use. By supplying those resources in the book, which include your affiliate links, you make money every time a reader buys them.
Hopefully, your product will continue to be used and recommended by other readers creating viral growth, so you'll make money into the future. This is great residual income because you've only performed the work once.
I've broken down the steps you should take to achieve rapid give-away product growth:
- Use ebook publishing software or Adobe PDF to create your book or report. You must offer quality content to keep readers interested in what you have to say.
- Include 'about the author' and your web site information.
- Sign-up as an affiliate to products and programs related to your content. Include these links in your book or report.
- Always use a quality book cover image. This will attract interest in reading further about your product. A glance is enough for someone to decide they are interested and first impressions count.
- Create a squeeze page which collects name and email details BEFORE you give away the book. This is a key point because if you allow a reader to download the book immediately, then you've got... nothing! I believe in selling free products the same way as paid for products. Why should someone take the time to download and read your book? What's in it for them? Everyone needs to be persuaded of the value and benefits your product will bring to their lives. So create a squeeze page that sells your free book.
- Drive traffic to your squeeze page with free book directories, free article sites, forums related to the content and email to your existing list.
- Make a 30-second video promoting your book on sites like YouTube, Vimeo, Truveo etc. YouTube is great use of marketing because, if your video is fun, viral marketing kicks in when people start to watch it and tell others.
- Use your free book to direct potential customers to your other, paid products.
- Use your free book to attract affiliates. If you give them 100% commission on one of your other products and they give you access to ther email lists, you're winning big!
Now you've got a step-by-step plan for creating and marketing your own product. In time, this alone will help you grow your list and generate income... from work perfomed just once.
Get involved!
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